Letters to the Editor | Week of Jan. 6-11, 2025

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Ukraine and Trump

President Donald Trump has a huge problem on his plate on day one: the Russia-Ukraine war.

What will be the right formula to end it? So far, it only escalated from 2014 to the present.

Vladimir Putin feels that he is entitled to take that land by hook or by crook. And so far, no one has stopped him since his land-grabbing beginning in 2014 in the Donbas region and then Crimea.

In 2022 he took a next step by taking more land from Ukraine to the present, and expects to take it as his own, just because he can.

That is an old Russian tactic taught by Vladimir Lenin, a communist leader who told his people about conquering their enemy. First, he said, you lock your bayonet on your rifle and then thrust it in the enemy’s belly. And if it feels soft, push farther in, and once in, thrust farther in but, if you encounter resistance, back off and plan a better way for the second time.

Putin took land in 2014, no resistance in the Donbas region and Crimea. And from February 2022 to the present, Putin has invaded Ukraine again and plans to annex all land conquered and not conquered as he pleases. Putin has not felt any real threat of resistance to stop him, no matter how many military casualties he suffers.

If President Trump’s plan is to give Russia all land conquered for peace, it is not a good trade — only a continuation of President Putin’s plan to take more land from Ukraine. Every assault will be rewarded with more land.

So, what plan needs to be in place? A plan that does not allow Ukraine or Russia to win for a lasting peace to take place in the area.

Rafael Madrigal


SpaceX a town?

Recently, SpaceX submitted a petition to the Cameron County judge to incorporate into their own community, but what does this mean for the residents and the RGV?

Let’s consider the following concerning an incorporated city:

1. It can establish its own local government, including elected officials as mayor and city council, and provide police, fire protection, trash collection and public utilities. So effectively could Elon Musk be the marshal and mayor as well as command whoever and whatever, whenever of his employees? Like this petition?

2. It has the authority to create zoning laws and land-use regulations, so it could zone to expand its footprint with the increased noise, pollution and traffic. SpaceX roads could restrict public beach and land access and place an emphasis on its own infrastructure/operations instead of the broader community. Also, this incorporation could implement its own environmental regulations increasing the now current environmental degradation (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality/EPA SpaceX prior penalties) — which harms local beaches and waters and decreases “quality of life.”

3. As a result, Cameron County could lose a portion of SpaceX revenue, particularly from property taxes and other local taxes that the new city would collect and impact the county’s budget and its ability to fund services and infrastructure projects.

If you thought SpaceX was costing you now, what will it cost in the future economically and environmentally as SpaceX incorporates into its own “company town” and its launches continue to increase in heavy booster rocket manufacturing and testing?

Diane Teter


Editor’s note: We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas 78502-3267, or emailed to [email protected].

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